Lord of the Harvest

The morning message passage of scripture for this coming Sunday, May 26th, is from Matthew 9:27-38 and is full of mighty miracles that Jesus performed while on earth. Blind men were given back their sight. A demon possessed man who could not speak had the demon driven out of him and his speech was restored by Jesus. In verse 35 it says that Jesus went throughout all the villages and towns and preached the good news and healed every disease and sickness. Once Jesus had shown us the example of how we should act as His followers, He instructed His disciples to spread the word of His love for all mankind.

There is a powerful song by the Imperials called “Lord of the Harvest” and the words of the chorus are so appropriate for this passage of scripture:

“Lord of the Harvest, place Your fire in me.

Servants You need now, servant I will be.

Give me the eyes of Your Spirit,

Your heart of compassion to know.

Lord of the harvest, show me where to go.”

We are coming up on the week of Vacation Bible School June 9-13. I implore you to consider being a worker in this harvest field here on campus that week. Please be praying daily for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of children, youth, and adults to be saved by the good news of salvation. May we never let it be said of our church, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Knowing that our Jesus is all powerful and all sufficient, may we share our faith boldly and lovingly to those in the field of life we daily meet. Let us all be servants who fulfill our calling by putting action to our faith.

Your servant in Christ, Phillip


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